HS编码 | 品名 | 进口普通(%) | 退税率(%) | 海关监管条件 | 检验检疫 | 详情 |
06029091.91 |
其他濒危植物种用苗木 其他濒危植物种用苗木 Other endangered plants, seedlings |
0% | 0% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
06029091.99 |
其他种用苗木 其他种用苗木 Other live plants(including their roots)cuttings and slips, seedlings |
0% | 0% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06029092.00 |
其他兰花 其他兰花种用除外 other Orchid,other than seedlings |
80% | 6% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
06029093.00 |
其他菊花 其他菊花种用除外 other Chrysatthemum, other than seedlings |
80% | 0/6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06029094.10 |
芦荟 芦荟种用除外 Aloes(barbabos aloe), other than seedlings |
80% | 6% | ABEFQ | P/Q | 查看 |
06029094.90 |
其他百合 其他百合种用除外 Other lily, other than seedlings |
80% | 0% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06029095.00 |
其他康乃馨 其他康乃馨种用除外 other Carnation,other than seedlings |
80% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06029099.10 |
苏铁(铁树)类 苏铁(铁树)类 Cycas revoluta(Sago cycas) |
80% | 6% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
06029099.20 |
仙人掌 仙人掌包括仙人球、仙人柱、仙人指 Cactus(Echpi-nopsis tubiflora, carnegiea gigantia, schumbegera bridgesli) |
80% | 6% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
06029099.30 |
红豆杉 红豆杉种用除外 Taxaceae, other than seedlings |
80% | 0% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
06029099.91 |
其他濒危活植物 其他濒危活植物种用除外 Other endangered live plants, other than seedlings |
80% | 0% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
06029099.99 |
其他活植物 其他活植物种用除外 Other live plants(other than seedlings) |
80% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06031100.00 |
鲜的玫瑰 鲜的玫瑰制花束或装饰用的 Roses of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh |
100% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06031200.00 |
鲜的康乃馨 鲜的康乃馨制花束或装饰用的 Carnations, of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh |
100% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06031300.00 |
鲜的兰花 鲜的兰花制花束或装饰用的 Orchids, of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh |
100% | 6% | ABEF | P/Q | 查看 |
06031400.00 |
鲜的菊花 鲜的菊花制花束或装饰用的 Chrysanthemums, of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh |
100% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06031500.00 |
鲜的百合花(百合属) 鲜的百合花(百合属)制花束或装饰用的 Lilies(Lilium spp.), of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh |
100% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06031900.10 |
鲜的濒危植物插花及花蕾 鲜的濒危植物插花及花蕾制花束或装饰用的 Cut flowers and flower buds of endangered plants, of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh |
100% | 0% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
06031900.90 |
其他鲜的插花及花蕾 其他鲜的插花及花蕾制花束或装饰用的 Other cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh |
100% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06031910.00 已作废 |
百合花 |
100.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
06031990.10 已作废 |
鲜的濒危植物插花及花蕾 |
100.00 | 0.00 | ABFE | 无 | 查看 |
06031990.90 已作废 |
其他鲜的插花及花蕾 |
100.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
06039000.10 |
干或染色等加工濒危植物插花及花蕾 干或染色等加工濒危植物插花及花蕾制花束或装饰用的,鲜的除外 Cut flowers and flower buds of endangered plants, of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, dried or dyed, other than fresh |
100% | 0% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
06039000.90 |
其他干或染色等加工的插花及花蕾 其他干或染色等加工的插花及花蕾制花束或装饰用的,鲜的除外 Other cut flowers and flower buds, of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, dried or dyed, other than fresh |
100% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06041000.00 已作废 |
苔藓及地衣 |
100.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
06042010.00 |
鲜的苔藓及地衣 鲜的苔藓及地衣 Mosses and lichens, fresh |
100% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06042090.10 |
其他鲜濒危植物枝、叶或其他部分,草 其他鲜濒危植物枝、叶或其他部分,草枝、叶或其他部分是指制花束或装饰用并且不带花及花蕾 Fresh foliage, branches and other parts of endangered plants, without flowers or flowerbuds, grass(being goods of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, without flowers or flower buds) |
100% | 0% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
06042090.90 |
其他鲜植物枝、叶或其他部分,草 其他鲜植物枝、叶或其他部分,草枝、叶或其他部分是指制花束或装饰用并且不带花及花蕾 Other fresh foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers or flowerbuds, grass(being goods of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, without flowers or flower buds) |
100% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06049010.00 |
其他苔藓及地衣 其他苔藓及地衣 Mosses and lichens, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared |
100% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06049090.10 |
其他染色或经加工濒危植物枝、叶或其他部分,草等 其他染色或经加工濒危植物枝、叶或其他部分,草等枝、叶或其他部分是指制花束或装饰用并且不带花及花蕾 Endangered foliage, branches(without flowers or flowerbuds)and grass, dyed or otherwise prepared(being goods of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, without flowers or flower buds) |
100% | 0% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
06049090.90 |
其他染色或加工的植物枝、叶或其他部分,草 其他染色或加工的植物枝、叶或其他部分,草枝、叶或其他部分是指制花束或装饰用并且不带花及花蕾 Other foliage, branches (without flowers or flowerbuds) and grass, dyed or other- wise prepared(being goods of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, without flowers or flower buds) |
100% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
06049100.10 已作废 |
鲜濒危植物枝、叶或其他部分,草 |
100.00 | 0.00 | ABFE | 无 | 查看 |
06049100.90 已作废 |
其他鲜植物枝、叶或其他部分,草 |
100.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
06049900.10 已作废 |
染色或经加工濒危枝、叶,草等 |
100.00 | 0.00 | ABFE | 无 | 查看 |
06049900.90 已作废 |
其他染色或加工的枝、叶,草等 |
100.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
07011000.00 |
种用马铃薯 种用马铃薯 Potatoes,Seeds |
70% | 0% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
07019000.00 |
其他鲜或冷藏的马铃薯 其他鲜或冷藏的马铃薯 Other Potatoes, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07020000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的番茄 鲜或冷藏的番茄 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07031010.00 |
鲜或冷藏的洋葱 鲜或冷藏的洋葱 Onions, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07031020.00 |
鲜或冷藏的青葱 鲜或冷藏的青葱 Shallots, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07032010.00 |
鲜或冷藏的蒜头 鲜或冷藏的蒜头 Garlic bulbs, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07032020.00 |
鲜或冷藏的蒜苔及蒜苗 鲜或冷藏的蒜苔及蒜苗包括青蒜 Garlic stems, garlic seedlings,fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07032090.00 |
鲜或冷藏的其他大蒜 鲜或冷藏的其他大蒜包括切片、切碎、切丝、捣碎、磨碎、去皮等 Other Garlic, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07039010.00 |
鲜或冷藏的韭葱 鲜或冷藏的韭葱 Leeks, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07039020.00 |
鲜或冷藏的大葱 鲜或冷藏的大葱 Scallion,fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07039090.00 |
鲜或冷藏的其他葱属蔬菜 鲜或冷藏的其他葱属蔬菜 Other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07041000.01 |
鲜、冷硬花甘蓝 鲜、冷硬花甘蓝 Headed broccoli, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07041000.02 |
鲜、冷花椰菜 鲜、冷花椰菜花椰菜也叫菜花 Broccoli (cauliflowers), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07042000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的抱子甘蓝 鲜或冷藏的抱子甘蓝 Brussels sprouts, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07049010.00 |
鲜或冷藏的卷心菜 鲜或冷藏的卷心菜学名结球甘蓝,又名圆白菜、洋白菜,属十字花科芸苔属 Cabbages(Brassica oleraceavar.capitata), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07049020.00 |
鲜或冷藏的西兰花 鲜或冷藏的西兰花西兰花,又称青花菜、绿菜花,属十字花科芸苔属甘蓝变 Broccolis(Brassica oleraceavar.italica), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07049090.01 |
鲜、冷其他甘蓝 鲜、冷其他甘蓝 Other Cabbage, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07049090.90 |
鲜或冷藏的其他食用芥菜类蔬菜 鲜或冷藏的其他食用芥菜类蔬菜 Other edible brassicas juncea, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07051100.00 |
鲜或冷藏的结球莴苣(包心生菜) 鲜或冷藏的结球莴苣(包心生菜) Cabbage lettuce(head lettuce), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07051900.00 |
鲜或冷藏的其他莴苣 鲜或冷藏的其他莴苣 Other Lettuce, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07052100.00 |
鲜或冷藏的维特罗夫菊苣 鲜或冷藏的维特罗夫菊苣 Witloof chicory(Cichoriym intybus var. foliosum), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
07052900.00 |
鲜或冷藏的其他菊苣 鲜或冷藏的其他菊苣 Other chicory , fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
07061000.01 |
鲜、冷胡萝卜 鲜、冷胡萝卜 Carrots, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07061000.90 |
鲜或冷藏的萝卜 鲜或冷藏的萝卜 Turnips, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07069000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的小萝卜及类似食用根茎 鲜或冷藏的小萝卜及类似食用根茎包括色拉甜菜根、婆罗门参、块根芹 Radishes and similar edible roots(including salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07070000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的黄瓜及小黄瓜 鲜或冷藏的黄瓜及小黄瓜 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07081000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的豌豆 鲜或冷藏的豌豆不论是否脱荚 Peas(Pisum sativum), shelled or in shell, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07082000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的豇豆及菜豆 鲜或冷藏的豇豆及菜豆不论是否脱荚 Beans(Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.), shelled or in shell, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07089000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的其他豆类蔬菜 鲜或冷藏的其他豆类蔬菜不论是否脱荚 Other leguminous vegetables, shelled or in shell, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07092000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的芦笋 鲜或冷藏的芦笋 Asparagus, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07093000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的茄子 鲜或冷藏的茄子 Aubergines(egg-plants), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07094000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的芹菜 鲜或冷藏的芹菜块根芹除外 Celery other than celeriac, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07095100.00 |
鲜或冷藏的伞菌属蘑菇 鲜或冷藏的伞菌属蘑菇 Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, fresh or chilled |
90% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07095910.00 |
鲜或冷藏的松茸 鲜或冷藏的松茸 Sungmo, fresh or chilled |
90% | 0% | ABE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07095920.00 |
鲜或冷藏的香菇 鲜或冷藏的香菇 Shiitake, fresh or chilled |
90% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07095930.00 |
鲜或冷藏的金针菇 鲜或冷藏的金针菇 Winter mushroom, fresh or chilled |
90% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07095940.00 |
鲜或冷藏的草菇 鲜或冷藏的草菇 Paddy Straw mushroom, fresh or chilled |
90% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07095950.00 |
鲜或冷藏的口蘑 鲜或冷藏的口蘑 Tricholoma mongolicum Imai, fresh or chilled |
90% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07095960.00 |
鲜或冷藏的块菌 鲜或冷藏的块菌 Truffle, fresh or chilled |
90% | 9% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07095990.00 |
鲜或冷藏的其他蘑菇 鲜或冷藏的其他蘑菇 Other mushroom, fresh or chilled |
90% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07096000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的辣椒 鲜或冷藏的辣椒包括甜椒 Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07097000.00 |
鲜或冷藏的菠菜 鲜或冷藏的菠菜 Spinach, New Zealand Spinach and orache Spinach(garden Spinach), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099010.10 已作废 |
鲜或冷藏的酸竹笋 |
70.00 | 5.00 | ABE | 无 | 查看 |
07099010.90 已作废 |
冷藏的竹笋 |
70.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
07099090.01 已作废 |
鲜、冷丝瓜 |
70.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
07099090.02 已作废 |
鲜、冷青江菜 |
70.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
07099090.03 已作废 |
鲜、冷小白菜 |
70.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
07099090.04 已作废 |
鲜、冷苦瓜 |
70.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
07099090.05 已作废 |
鲜、冷山葵 |
70.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
07099090.10 已作废 |
鲜或冷藏的莼菜 |
70.00 | 5.00 | ABE | 无 | 查看 |
07099090.90 已作废 |
鲜或冷藏的其他蔬菜 |
70.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
07099100.00 |
鲜或冷藏的洋蓟 鲜或冷藏的洋蓟 Globe artichokes, fresh or chilled |
70% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099200.00 |
鲜或冷藏的油橄榄 鲜或冷藏的油橄榄 Olives, fresh or chilled |
70% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099300.00 |
鲜或冷藏的南瓜、笋瓜及瓠瓜(南瓜属) 鲜或冷藏的南瓜、笋瓜及瓠瓜(南瓜属) Pumpkins, squash and gourds(Cucurbita spp.), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099910.10 |
鲜或冷藏的酸竹笋 鲜或冷藏的酸竹笋 Acidosasa chinensis shoots, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | ABE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099910.90 |
鲜或冷藏的其他竹笋 鲜或冷藏的其他竹笋 Bamboo shoots, chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099990.01 |
鲜或冷藏的丝瓜 鲜或冷藏的丝瓜 Loofah(lufla), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099990.02 |
鲜或冷藏的青江菜 鲜或冷藏的青江菜 Spoon cabbage, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099990.03 |
鲜或冷藏的小白菜 鲜或冷藏的小白菜 Bok Choy, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099990.04 |
鲜或冷藏的苦瓜 鲜或冷藏的苦瓜 Bitter group (Balsam pear), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099990.05 |
鲜或冷藏的山葵 鲜或冷藏的山葵 Wasabi Japanese Horse-radish (Wasabia japonica), fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099990.10 |
鲜或冷藏的莼菜 鲜或冷藏的莼菜 Water shield, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | ABE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07099990.90 |
鲜或冷藏的其他蔬菜 鲜或冷藏的其他蔬菜 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled |
70% | 0% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07101000.00 |
冷冻马铃薯 冷冻马铃薯不论是否蒸煮 Potatoes(uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen |
70% | 0/9% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
07102100.00 |
冷冻豌豆 冷冻豌豆不论是否蒸煮 Peas(Pisum sativum)(uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen |
70% | 0/9% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |