HS编码 | 品名 | 进口普通(%) | 退税率(%) | 海关监管条件 | 检验检疫 | 详情 |
17041000.00 |
口香糖 口香糖不论是否裹糖 Chewing gum, whether or not sugarcoated |
50% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
17049000.00 |
其他不含可可的糖食 其他不含可可的糖食包括白巧克力 Other sugar confectionery(including white chocolate),not containing cocoa |
50% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
18010000.00 |
生或焙炒的整颗或破碎的可可豆 生或焙炒的整颗或破碎的可可豆 Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted |
30% | 6/13% | AB | M.P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
18020000.00 |
可可荚、壳、皮及废料 可可荚、壳、皮及废料 Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste |
30% | 6% | AB | P/Q.S | 查看 |
18031000.00 |
未脱脂可可膏 未脱脂可可膏 Cocoa paste, not defatted |
30% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
18032000.00 |
全脱脂或部分脱脂的可可膏 全脱脂或部分脱脂的可可膏 Cocoa paste, wholly or partly defatted |
30% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
18040000.10 |
可可脂 可可脂 Cocoa butter |
70% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
18040000.90 |
可可油 可可油 Cocoa fat and oil |
70% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
18050000.00 |
未加糖或其他甜物质的可可粉 未加糖或其他甜物质的可可粉 Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter |
40% | 13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
18061000.00 |
含糖或其他甜物质的可可粉 含糖或其他甜物质的可可粉 Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter |
50% | 13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
18062000.00 |
每件净重超过2 千克的含可可食品 每件净重超过2 千克的含可可食品 Other food preparations containing cocoa preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing more than 2kg or in liquid, paste,powder, granular or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2kg |
50% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
18063100.00 |
其他夹心块状或条状的含可可食品 其他夹心块状或条状的含可可食品每件净重不超过2千克 Other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars, filled( in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 2kg) |
50% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
18063200.00 |
其他不夹心块状或条状含可可食品 其他不夹心块状或条状含可可食品每件净重不超过2千克 Other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars,not filled( in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 2kg) |
50% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
18069000.00 |
其他巧克力及含可可的食品 其他巧克力及含可可的食品每件净重不超过2千克 Other chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa( in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 2kg) |
50% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19011000.10 已作废 |
供婴幼儿食用的零售包装配方奶粉 可可含量<5%乳品制) |
40.00 | 15.0 | 7AB | R/S | 查看 |
19011000.90 已作废 |
供婴幼儿食用的零售包装食品 可可含量<40%粉、淀粉或麦精制、或可可含量<5%乳品) |
40.00 | 15.0 | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19011010.00 |
供婴幼儿食用的零售包装配方奶粉 供婴幼儿食用的零售包装配方奶粉按重量计全脱脂可可含量<5%乳品制 Formula milk powder prepared for infant use, put up for retail sale(Cocoa contents:<5% of dairy products) |
40% | 13% | 7AB | R/S | 查看 |
19011090.00 |
其他供婴幼儿食用的零售包装食品 其他供婴幼儿食用的零售包装食品按重量计全脱脂可可含量<40%粉、淀粉或麦精制;按 Other Food prepared for infant use, put up for retail sale(Cocoa contents:<40% of powder, starch or malt extract, or Cocoa contents:<5% of dairy products) |
40% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19012000.00 |
供烘焙品目1905所列面包糕饼用的调制品及面团 供烘焙品目1905所列面包糕饼用的调制品及面团按重量计全脱脂可可含量<40%粉、淀粉或麦精制;按 Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers'wares of heading No.19.05 |
80% | 6/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19019000.00 |
麦精、粮食粉等制食品及乳制食品 麦精、粮食粉等制食品及乳制食品按重量计全脱脂可可含量<40%粉、淀粉、麦精制;按 Other food preparations of malt extract, flour; dairy products(Cocoa contents:<40% of powder, starch or malt extract, or Cocoa contents:<5% of dairy products) |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19021100.00 |
未包馅或未制作的含蛋生面食 未包馅或未制作的含蛋生面食 Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, containing eggs |
80% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
19021900.00 |
其他未包馅或未制作的生面食 其他未包馅或未制作的生面食 Other uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared |
80% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
19022000.00 |
包馅面食 包馅面食不论是否烹煮或经其他方法制作 Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared |
80% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
19023010.00 |
米粉干 米粉干 Rice vermicelli, cooked |
80% | 10% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
19023020.00 |
粉丝 粉丝 Bean vermicelli, cooked |
80% | 13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
19023030.00 |
即食或快熟面条 即食或快熟面条 Instant noodle |
80% | 10/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19023090.00 |
其他面食 其他面食 Other pasta |
80% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
19024000.00 |
古斯古斯面食 古斯古斯面食古斯古斯粉是一种经热处理的硬麦粗粉 Couscous |
80% | 6/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19030000.00 |
珍粉及淀粉制成的珍粉代用品 珍粉及淀粉制成的珍粉代用品片、粒、珠、粉或类似形状的 Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19041000.00 |
膨化或烘炒谷物制成的食品 膨化或烘炒谷物制成的食品 Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19042000.00 |
未烘炒谷物片制成的食品 未烘炒谷物片制成的食品包括未烘炒谷物片与烘炒谷物片或膨化谷物混合制成食品 Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals |
80% | 13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
19043000.00 |
碾碎的干小麦 碾碎的干小麦 Bulgur wheat |
80% | 13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
19049000.00 |
预煮或经其他方法制作的谷粒 预煮或经其他方法制作的谷粒包括其他经加工的谷粒(除细粉、粗粒及粗粉),玉米除 Other cereals[other than maize(corn)] in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains(except flour, groats and meal), precooked or otherwise prepared, |
80% | 13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
19051000.00 |
黑麦脆面包片 黑麦脆面包片 Crispbread |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19052000.00 |
姜饼及类似品 姜饼及类似品 Gingerbread and the like |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19053100.00 |
甜饼干 甜饼干 Sweet biscuits |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19053200.00 |
华夫饼干及圣餐饼 华夫饼干及圣餐饼 Waffles and wafers |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19054000.00 |
面包干,吐司及类似的烤面包 面包干,吐司及类似的烤面包 Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
19059000.00 |
其他面包,糕点,饼干及烘焙糕饼 其他面包,糕点,饼干及烘焙糕饼包括装药空囊、封缄、糯米纸及类似制品 Other bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and bakers' wares(including empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products) |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20011000.00 |
用醋或醋酸制作的黄瓜及小黄瓜 用醋或醋酸制作的黄瓜及小黄瓜 Cucumbers and gherkins, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20019010.10 |
用醋或醋酸腌制的大蒜头、大蒜瓣 用醋或醋酸腌制的大蒜头、大蒜瓣无论是否加糖或去皮 Garlic heads and garlic bulblet, prepared by vinegar or acetic acid, whether or not added sugar or skinned |
70% | 10/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20019010.90 |
用醋或醋酸腌制的其他大蒜 用醋或醋酸腌制的其他大蒜不含蒜头、蒜瓣,无论是否加糖或去皮 Other garlic prepared by vinegar or acetic acid, whether or not added sugars or skinned(other than garlic heads and garlic bulblet) |
70% | 10/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20019090.10 |
用醋或醋酸制作或保藏的松茸 用醋或醋酸制作或保藏的松茸 Sungmo, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10% | ABE | R/S | 查看 |
20019090.20 |
用醋或醋酸制作或保藏的酸竹笋 用醋或醋酸制作或保藏的酸竹笋 Acidosasa chinensis shoots, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10% | ABE | R/S | 查看 |
20019090.30 |
用醋或醋酸制作或保藏的芦荟 用醋或醋酸制作或保藏的芦荟 Aloe, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10% | ABFE | R/S | 查看 |
20019090.40 |
用醋或醋酸制作或保藏的仙人掌植物 用醋或醋酸制作或保藏的仙人掌植物 Cactus, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10% | ABFE | R/S | 查看 |
20019090.50 |
用醋或醋酸制作或保藏的莼菜 用醋或醋酸制作或保藏的莼菜 Water shield, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10% | ABE | R/S | 查看 |
20019090.90 |
用醋制作的其他果、菜及食用植物 用醋制作的其他果、菜及食用植物包括用醋酸制作或保藏的 Vegetables, fruit and other edible parts of plants,prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20021010.00 |
非用醋制作的整个或切片番茄罐头 非用醋制作的整个或切片番茄罐头 Tomatoes, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, canned |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20021090.00 |
非用醋制作的其他整个或切片番茄 非用醋制作的其他整个或切片番茄 Other tomatoes, whole or in pieces,prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
20029011.00 |
重量不超过5kg的番茄酱罐头 重量不超过5kg的番茄酱罐头 Tomatoes paste, in air tight containers, weighing not more than 5kg |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20029019.00 |
重量大于5kg的番茄酱罐头 重量大于5kg的番茄酱罐头 Tomatoes paste, in air tight containers, weighing more than 5kg |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20029090.00 |
非用醋制作的绞碎番茄 非用醋制作的绞碎番茄用醋或醋酸以外其他方法制作或保藏的 Other tomatoes, minced (prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid) |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20031011.00 |
小白蘑菇罐头 小白蘑菇罐头指洋蘑菇,用醋或醋酸以外其他方法制作或保藏的 Small white agaric, in air tight containers, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid |
90% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20031019.00 |
其他伞菌属蘑菇罐头 其他伞菌属蘑菇罐头用醋或醋酸以外其他方法制作或保藏的 Other mushrooms, in air tight containers, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid |
90% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20031090.00 |
非用醋制作的其他伞菌属蘑菇 非用醋制作的其他伞菌属蘑菇用醋或醋酸以外其他方法制作或保藏的 Other mushrooms, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid |
90% | 10/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20032000.00 已作废 |
非用醋制作的块菌 |
90.00 | 15.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
20039010.10 |
非用醋制作的香菇罐头 非用醋制作的香菇罐头用醋或醋酸以外其他方法制作或保藏的(非伞菌属蘑菇) Shiitake, canned, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid(not mushrooms) |
90% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20039010.20 |
非用醋制作的松茸罐头 非用醋制作的松茸罐头用醋或醋酸以外其他方法制作或保藏的 Sungmo, canned, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid |
90% | 13% | ABE | R/S | 查看 |
20039010.90 |
非用醋制作的其他蘑菇罐头 非用醋制作的其他蘑菇罐头用醋或醋酸以外其他方法制作或保藏的(非伞菌属蘑菇) Other shiitake, canned, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid(not mushrooms) |
90% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20039090.10 |
非用醋制作的其他香菇 非用醋制作的其他香菇用醋或醋酸以外其他方法制作或保藏的(非伞菌属蘑菇) Other shiitake, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid(not mushrooms) |
90% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20039090.20 |
非用醋制作的其他松茸 非用醋制作的其他松茸用醋或醋酸以外其他方法制作或保藏的 Other sungmo, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid |
90% | 10/13% | ABE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20039090.90 |
非用醋制作的其他蘑菇 非用醋制作的其他蘑菇用醋或醋酸以外其他方法制作或保藏的(非伞菌属蘑菇) Other mushrooms, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid(not mushrooms) |
90% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20041000.00 |
非用醋制作的冷冻马铃薯 非用醋制作的冷冻马铃薯品目2006的货品除外 Potatoes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of heading No.20.06 |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20049000.10 |
非用醋制作的冷冻松茸 非用醋制作的冷冻松茸 Sungmo, frozen, not prepared by vinegar |
70% | 10/13% | ABE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20049000.20 |
非用醋制作的冷冻酸竹笋 非用醋制作的冷冻酸竹笋 Acidosasa chinensis shoots, frozen, not prepared by vinegar |
70% | 10/13% | ABE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20049000.30 |
非用醋制作的冷冻芦荟 非用醋制作的冷冻芦荟 Aloe, frozen, not prepared by vinegar |
70% | 10/13% | ABFE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20049000.40 |
非用醋制作的冷冻仙人掌植物 非用醋制作的冷冻仙人掌植物 Cactus, frozen, not prepared by vinegar |
70% | 10/13% | ABFE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20049000.90 |
非用醋制作的其他冷冻蔬菜 非用醋制作的其他冷冻蔬菜品目2006的货品除外 Other vegetables, frozen, not prepared by vinegar, frozen(other than products of heading No.20.06) |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20051000.00 |
非用醋制作的未冷冻均化蔬菜 非用醋制作的未冷冻均化蔬菜 Homogenized vegetables, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen |
70% | 13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20052000.00 |
非用醋制作的未冷冻马铃薯 非用醋制作的未冷冻马铃薯 Potatoes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20054000.00 |
非用醋制作的未冷冻豌豆 非用醋制作的未冷冻豌豆 Peas(Pisum sativum),prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20055111.00 |
非用醋制作的赤豆馅罐头 非用醋制作的赤豆馅罐头 Red bean paste, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, canned |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20055119.00 |
其他非用醋制作的脱荚豇豆及菜豆罐头 其他非用醋制作的脱荚豇豆及菜豆罐头 Other beans, shelled, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, canned |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20055191.00 |
非用醋制作的赤豆馅,罐头除外 非用醋制作的赤豆馅,罐头除外 Other red bean paste, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not canned |
70% | 13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20055199.00 |
非用醋制作的其他脱荚豇豆及菜豆,罐头除外 非用醋制作的其他脱荚豇豆及菜豆,罐头除外 Other beans, shelled, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not canned |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20055910.00 |
非用醋制作的其他豇豆及菜豆罐头 非用醋制作的其他豇豆及菜豆罐头 Other beans, in shell, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, canned |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20055990.00 |
非用醋制作的其他豇豆及菜豆 非用醋制作的其他豇豆及菜豆 Other beans, in shell, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20056010.00 |
非用醋制作的芦笋罐头 非用醋制作的芦笋罐头 Asparagus, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, canned |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20056090.00 |
非用醋制作的其他芦笋 非用醋制作的其他芦笋 Other asparagus, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20057000.00 |
非用醋制作的未冷冻油橄榄 非用醋制作的未冷冻油橄榄 Olives, not frozen, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20058000.00 |
非用醋制作的未冷冻甜玉米 非用醋制作的未冷冻甜玉米 Sweet corn(Zea mays var. Saccharata),prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen |
80% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20059110.10 |
非用醋制作的酸竹笋罐头 非用醋制作的酸竹笋罐头 Acidosasa chinensis shoots, canned, prepared otherwise than by vinegar |
80% | 13% | ABE | R/S | 查看 |
20059110.90 |
非用醋制作的其他竹笋罐头 非用醋制作的其他竹笋罐头 Other bamboo shoots, canned, prepared otherwise than by vinegar |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20059190.10 |
非用醋制作的酸竹笋 非用醋制作的酸竹笋 Acidosasa chinensis shoots, prepared otherwise than by vinegar |
70% | 10/13% | ABE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20059190.90 |
非用醋制作的其他竹笋 非用醋制作的其他竹笋 Other bamboo shoots, prepared otherwise than by vinegar |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20059910.00 已作废 |
清水马蹄罐头 |
80.00 | 15.00 | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20059920.00 |
非用醋制作的蚕豆罐头 非用醋制作的蚕豆罐头 Broad beans, in airtight containers |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20059940.00 |
榨菜 榨菜 Hot pickled mustard tubers |
70% | 10/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20059950.00 |
咸蕨菜 咸蕨菜 Chueh tsai(fiddle-head), salted |
70% | 10/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20059960.00 |
咸荞(藠)头 咸荞(藠)头 Scallion, salted |
70% | 10/13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20059991.00 |
其他蔬菜及什锦蔬菜罐头 其他蔬菜及什锦蔬菜罐头非用醋制作 other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, in airtight containers, prepared otherwise than by vinegar |
70% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20059999.10 |
非用醋制作的仙人掌 非用醋制作的仙人掌 Cactus, prepared otherwise than by vinegar |
70% | 10/13% | ABFE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20059999.20 |
非用醋制作的芦荟 非用醋制作的芦荟 Aloe, prepared otherwise than by vinegar |
70% | 10/13% | ABFE | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20059999.90 |
非用醋制作的其他蔬菜及什锦蔬菜 非用醋制作的其他蔬菜及什锦蔬菜 Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, prepared otherwise than by vinegar |
70% | 10/13% | AB | P.R/Q.S | 查看 |
20060010.00 |
蜜枣 蜜枣 Jujubes, preserved by sugar |
90% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20060020.00 |
糖渍制橄榄 糖渍制橄榄 Olives, preserved by sugar |
90% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20060090.10 |
糖渍制松茸 糖渍制松茸 Sungmo, preserved by sugar |
90% | 13% | ABE | R/S | 查看 |
20060090.90 |
其他糖渍蔬菜,水果,坚果,果皮 其他糖渍蔬菜,水果,坚果,果皮包括糖渍植物的其他部分 Other vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruitpeel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar |
90% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |
20071000.00 |
烹煮的果子均化食品 烹煮的果子均化食品包括果酱、果冻、果泥、果膏 Homogenized preparations(including Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut puree and fruit or nut pastes, being cooked preparations) |
80% | 13% | AB | R/S | 查看 |