HS编码 | 品名 | 进口普通(%) | 退税率(%) | 海关监管条件 | 检验检疫 | 详情 |
55151900.00 |
其他聚酯短纤其他机织物 其他聚酯短纤其他机织物聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺 |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.11 已作废 |
聚酯短纤与其他纤维混蓝粗斜纹布 聚酯短纤与其他纤维混蓝粗斜纹布(混纺为以聚酯短纤为主,但聚酯短纤含量在85%以下) Blue denim, twill weave, mixed with other fibres ,mixed mainly with polyester staple fibers, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.19 已作废 |
聚酯短纤其他色织机织物 聚酯短纤其他色织机织物(聚酯短纤<85%,提花织物除外,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics, mixed with other fibres containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres, other than jacquard weave |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.21 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤其他府绸 未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤其他府绸(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺,含细平布) Poplin and fine plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.22 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤其他机织平布 未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤其他机织平布(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.23 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤其他机织印染布 未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤其他机织印染布(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.24 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤奶酪布等 未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤奶酪布等(短纤含量<85%,与其他纤维混纺,含薄细布,巴里纱) Cheese cloth, including voiles and muslin, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.25 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤机织帆布 未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤机织帆布(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Canvas, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.26 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤缎纹或斜纹布 未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤缎纹或斜纹布(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other satin weave or twill weave fabrics, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.27 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤牛津布 未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤牛津布(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other oxford fabrics, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of polyesterstaple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.29 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤其他机织物 未漂白或漂白聚酯短纤其他机织物(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics , mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.31 已作废 |
其他聚酯短纤府绸或细平布 其他聚酯短纤府绸或细平布(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other poplin and fine plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.32 已作废 |
其他聚酯短纤机织平布 其他聚酯短纤机织平布(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.33 已作废 |
其他聚酯短纤机织印染用布 其他聚酯短纤机织印染用布(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.34 已作废 |
其他聚酯短纤奶酪布等 其他聚酯短纤奶酪布等(短纤含量<85%,与其他纤维混纺,含薄细布,巴里纱) Other cheese cloth, voiles and muslin, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.35 已作废 |
其他聚酯短纤机织帆布 其他聚酯短纤机织帆布(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other canvas, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.36 已作废 |
其他聚酯短纤缎纹或斜纹机织物 其他聚酯短纤缎纹或斜纹机织物(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other satin weave or twill weave fabrics, mixed with other fibres containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.37 已作废 |
其他聚酯短纤牛津布 其他聚酯短纤牛津布(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other oxford fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55151900.39 已作废 |
其他聚酯短纤其他机织物 其他聚酯短纤其他机织物(聚酯短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of polyester staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.00 |
主要或仅与化学纤维长丝混纺腈纶短纤机织物 主要或仅与化学纤维长丝混纺腈纶短纤机织物腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺 |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.11 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白腈纶短纤府绸或细平布 未漂白或漂白腈纶短纤府绸或细平布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺) Poplin and fine plain fabrics, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.12 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白腈纶短纤平布 未漂白或漂白腈纶短纤平布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺) Plain fabrics, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.13 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白腈纶短纤印染用布 未漂白或漂白腈纶短纤印染用布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺) Woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.14 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白腈纶短纤缎纹或斜纹布 未漂白或漂白腈纶短纤缎纹或斜纹布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺) Satin weave or twill weave fabrics, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments ,containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.19 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白腈纶短纤其他机织物 未漂白或漂白腈纶短纤其他机织物(腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺) Other woven fabrics, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.21 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤混纺府绸或细平布 其他腈纶短纤混纺府绸或细平布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺) Other poplin and fine plain fabrics , mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.22 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤平布 其他腈纶短纤平布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺) Other plain fabrics , mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.23 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤印染用布 其他腈纶短纤印染用布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺) Other woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.24 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤混纺缎纹或斜纹布 其他腈纶短纤混纺缎纹或斜纹布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺) Other satin weave or twill weave fabrics, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152100.29 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤混纺其他机织物 其他腈纶短纤混纺其他机织物(腈短纤含量在85%以下,主要或仅与化纤长丝混纺) Other woven fabrics, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments ,containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152200.00 |
主要或仅与羊毛或动物细毛混纺腈纶短纤机织物 主要或仅与羊毛或动物细毛混纺腈纶短纤机织物腈短纤含量<85% |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152200.11 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤与精梳毛混纺布 未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤与精梳毛混纺布(腈短纤含量<85%,含羊毛或动物细毛36%及以上) Woven fabrics, mixed, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres, and 36% or more by weight of combed wool or fine animal hair, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152200.12 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤与粗梳毛混纺布 未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤与粗梳毛混纺布(腈短纤含量<85%,含羊毛或动物细毛36%及以上) Woven fabrics, mixed ,containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres , and 36% or more by weight carded wool or fine animal hair, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152200.13 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤与精梳毛混纺布 未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤与精梳毛混纺布(腈短纤含量<85%,含羊毛或动物细毛<36%) Woven fabrics, mixed, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres, and less than 36% by weight of carded wool or fine animal hair, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152200.19 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤与粗梳毛混纺布 未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤与粗梳毛混纺布(腈短纤含量<85%,含羊毛或动物细毛<36%) Woven fabrics, mixed, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres, and less than 36% by weight of combed wool or fine animal hair, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152200.21 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤与精梳毛混纺机织物 其他腈纶短纤与精梳毛混纺机织物(腈短纤含量<85%,含羊毛或动物细毛36%及以上) Other woven fabrics, mixed, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres, and 36% or more by weight of carded wool or of fine animal hair |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152200.22 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤与粗梳毛混纺机织物 其他腈纶短纤与粗梳毛混纺机织物(腈短纤含量<85%,含羊毛或动物细毛36%及以上) Other woven fabrics, mixed, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres, and 36% or more by weight of carded wool or fine animal hair |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152200.23 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤与精梳毛混纺机织物 其他腈纶短纤与精梳毛混纺机织物(腈短纤含量<85%,含羊毛或动物细毛<36%) Other woven fabrics, mixed, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres, and less than 36% by weight of combed wool or fine animal hair |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152200.29 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤与粗梳毛混纺机织物 其他腈纶短纤与粗梳毛混纺机织物(腈短纤含量<85%,含羊毛或动物细毛<36%) Other woven fabrics, mixed, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres, and 36% or more by weight of carded wool or fine animal hair |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.00 |
其他腈纶短纤与其他纤维混机织物 其他腈纶短纤与其他纤维混机织物腈短纤含量<85%,与其他纤维混纺 |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.11 已作废 |
腈纶短纤与其他纤维混蓝粗斜纹布 腈纶短纤与其他纤维混蓝粗斜纹布(混纺为以聚丙烯腈短纤为主,腈短纤含量在85%以下) Blue denim, twill weave, mixed mainly with acrylic staple fibers, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.19 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤色织机织布 其他腈纶短纤色织机织布(腈短纤含量<85%,提花织物除外,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics, mixed, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres, of different collours, other than jacquard weave |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.21 已作废 |
其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤府绸 其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤府绸(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺,含细平布) Other poplin and fine plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple unbilached or bleached fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.22 已作废 |
其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤平布 其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤平布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other plain fabrics, mixed with other fibrics, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.23 已作废 |
其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤印染用布 其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤印染用布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.24 已作废 |
其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤奶酪布等 其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤奶酪布等(腈短纤含量<85%,与其他纤维混纺,含薄细布,巴里纱) Other cheese cloth, voiles and muslin, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.25 已作废 |
其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤机织帆布 其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤机织帆布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other canvas, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.26 已作废 |
其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤缎纹布 其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤缎纹布(含斜纹机织物,腈短纤含量<85%,与其他纤维混纺) Other satin weave or twill weave fabrics, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.27 已作废 |
其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤牛津布 其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤牛津布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other oxford fabrics, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.29 已作废 |
其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤其他机织物 其他未漂白或漂白的腈纶短纤其他机织物(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics, mixed with other fibres, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.31 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤府绸或细平布 其他腈纶短纤府绸或细平布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other poplin or fine plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.32 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤机织平布 其他腈纶短纤机织平布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.33 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤机织印染用布 其他腈纶短纤机织印染用布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.34 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤奶酪布等 其他腈纶短纤奶酪布等(腈短纤含量<85%,与其他纤维混纺,含薄细布,巴里纱) Other cheese cloth, voiles and muslin, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.35 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤机织帆布 其他腈纶短纤机织帆布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other canvas, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.36 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤与其他纤维混牛津布 其他腈纶短纤与其他纤维混牛津布(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other oxford fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.37 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤缎纹或斜纹机织物 其他腈纶短纤缎纹或斜纹机织物(腈短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other satin weave or twill weave fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55152900.39 已作废 |
其他腈纶短纤与其他纤维混机织物 其他腈纶短纤与其他纤维混机织物(混纺为以聚丙烯腈短纤为主,腈短纤含量在85%以下) Other woven fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of acrylic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.00 |
主要或仅与化学纤维长丝混纺其他合纤短纤其他机织物 主要或仅与化学纤维长丝混纺其他合纤短纤其他机织物与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下 |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.11 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短府绸 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短府绸(与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量<85%,含细平布) Poplin and fine plain fabrics, mixed with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.12 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤平布 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤平布(与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下) Plain fabrics, mixed with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.13 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤混印染用布 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤混印染用布(与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下) Other woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, mixed with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.14 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤缎纹布等 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤缎纹布等(与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量<85%,含斜纹机织物) Other satin weave, twill weave fabrics, mixed with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.19 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤其他机织物 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤其他机织物(与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下) Other woven fabrics, mixed with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.21 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤府绸或细平布 其他合纤短纤府绸或细平布(与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下) Other poplin or fine plain fabrics, mixed with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.22 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤平布 其他合纤短纤平布(与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下) Other plain fabrics, mixed with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.23 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤印染用布 其他合纤短纤印染用布(与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下) Other woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, mixed with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.24 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤缎纹或斜纹机织物 其他合纤短纤缎纹或斜纹机织物(与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下) Other satin weave or twill weave fabrics, mixed with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159100.29 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤其他机织物 其他合纤短纤其他机织物(与化纤长丝混纺,合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下) Other woven fabrics, mixed with man-made filaments, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.00 |
其他合纤短纤其他机织物 其他合纤短纤其他机织物合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺 |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.11 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤蓝粗斜纹布 其他合纤短纤蓝粗斜纹布(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other blue denim, twill weave, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.19 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤其他色织机织物 其他合纤短纤其他色织机织物(合成纤维短纤含量<85%,与其他纤维混纺,提花织物除外) Other yarn-dyed woven fabrics, mixed with other fibres, other than jacquard weave, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.21 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤府绸 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤府绸(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺,含细平布) Other poplin and fine plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.22 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤其他平布 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤其他平布(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, unblea- ched or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.23 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤印染用布 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤印染用布(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.24 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤奶酪布等 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤奶酪布等(合纤短纤含量<85%,与其他纤维混纺,含薄细布,巴里纱) Other cheese cloth, voiles and muslin, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.25 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤帆布 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤帆布(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other canvas, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.26 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤混纺缎纹布 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤混纺缎纹布(合成纤维短纤含量<85%,与其他纤维混纺,含斜纹机织物) Other satin weave or twill weave fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.27 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤牛津布 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤牛津布(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other oxford fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.29 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤其他机织物 未漂白或漂白的其他合纤短纤其他机织物(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.31 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤府绸或细平布 其他合纤短纤府绸或细平布(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other poplin or fine plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.32 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤其他机织平布 其他合纤短纤其他机织平布(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other plain fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.33 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤机织印染用布 其他合纤短纤机织印染用布(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.34 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤奶酪布等 其他合纤短纤奶酪布等(合纤短纤含量<85%,与其他纤维混纺,含薄细布,巴里纱) Other cheese cloth, voiles and muslin, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.35 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤机织帆布 其他合纤短纤机织帆布(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other canvas, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.36 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤缎纹或斜纹机织物 其他合纤短纤缎纹或斜纹机织物(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other satin weave or twill weave fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.37 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤其他纤维混牛津布 其他合纤短纤其他纤维混牛津布(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other oxford fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55159900.39 已作废 |
其他合纤短纤其他机织物 其他合纤短纤其他机织物(合成纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与其他纤维混纺) Other woven fabrics, mixed with other fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55161100.00 |
未漂白或漂白的纯人纤短纤机织物 未漂白或漂白的纯人纤短纤机织物按重量计人造纤维短纤含量在85%及以上 Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of artificial staple fibres, unbleached or bleached |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55161200.00 |
染色的纯人纤短纤布 染色的纯人纤短纤布纯人纤布指按重量计人造纤维短纤含量在85%及以上 Woven cloth of artificial staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of artificial staple fibres,dyed |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55161300.00 |
色织的纯人纤短纤布 色织的纯人纤短纤布纯人纤布指按重量计人造纤维短纤含量在85%及以上 Yarn-dyed woven cloth of artificial staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of artificial staple fibres , of yarn of different colours |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55161400.00 |
印花的纯人纤短纤布 印花的纯人纤短纤布纯人纤布指按重量计人造纤维短纤含量在85%及以上 Woven cloth of artificial staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of artificial staple fibres,printed |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55162100.00 |
未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤机织物 未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤机织物人造纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与化纤长丝混纺 |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55162100.10 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤府绸或细平布 未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤府绸或细平布(人造纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与化纤长丝混纺) Poplin or fine plain fabrics, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of artificial staple fibres , mixed with man-made filaments |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55162100.20 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤平布 未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤平布(人造纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与化纤长丝混纺) Plain fabrics, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of artificial staple fibres, mixed with man-made filaments |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55162100.30 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤印染用布 未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤印染用布(人造纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与化纤长丝混纺) Woven fabrics for printing and dyeing, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of artificial staple fibres, mixed with man-made filaments |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55162100.40 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤缎纹或斜纹布 未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤缎纹或斜纹布(人造纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与化纤长丝混纺) Satin weave or twill weave, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of artificial staple fibres, mixed with man-made filaments |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55162100.90 已作废 |
未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤其他机织物 未漂白或漂白的人纤短纤其他机织物(人造纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与化纤长丝混纺) Other woven fabrics, unbleached or bleached, containing less than 85% by weight of artificial staple fibres, mixed with man-made filaments |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55162200.00 |
染色人纤短纤机织物 染色人纤短纤机织物人造纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与化纤长丝混纺 |
130% | 13% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |
55162200.10 已作废 |
染色人纤短纤府绸或细平布 染色人纤短纤府绸或细平布(人造纤维短纤含量在85%以下,与化纤长丝混纺) Poplin or fine plain fabrics, dyed, containing less than 85% by weight of artificial staple fibres, mixed with man-made filaments |
130% | 17% | 无 | 无 | 查看 |