HS编码 | 品名 | 进口普通(%) | 退税率(%) | 海关监管条件 | 检验检疫 | 详情 |
01011010.10 已作废 |
改良种用濒危野马 |
0.00 | 0.00 | AFEB | 无 | 查看 |
01011010.90 已作废 |
其他改良种用马 |
0.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
01011020.10 已作废 |
改良种用的濒危野驴 |
0.00 | 0.00 | AFEB | 无 | 查看 |
01011020.90 已作废 |
改良种用的其他驴 |
0.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
01012100.10 |
改良种用濒危野马 改良种用濒危野马 Endangered wild horses, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 0% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01012100.90 |
其他改良种用马 其他改良种用马 Other horses, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01012900.10 |
非改良种用濒危野马 非改良种用濒危野马 Endangered wild horses, other than pure-bred breeding |
30% | 0% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01012900.90 |
非改良种用其他马 非改良种用其他马 Horses, other than pure-bred breeding |
30% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01013010.10 |
改良种用的濒危野驴 改良种用的濒危野驴 Endangered wild asses, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 0% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01013010.90 |
改良种用的其他驴 改良种用的其他驴 Other asses, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01013090.10 |
非改良种用濒危野驴 非改良种用濒危野驴 Endangered wild asses, other than pure-bred breeding |
30% | 0% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01013090.90 |
非改良种用其他驴 非改良种用其他驴 Other asses, other than pure-bred breeding |
30% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01019000.00 |
骡 骡 Mules and hinnies |
30% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01019010.10 已作废 |
非改良种用濒危野马 |
30.00 | 0.00 | AFEB | 无 | 查看 |
01019010.90 已作废 |
非改良种用马 |
30.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
01019090.10 已作废 |
非改良种用濒危野驴 |
30.00 | 0.00 | AFEB | 无 | 查看 |
01019090.90 已作废 |
非改良种用其他驴、骡 |
30.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
01021000.10 已作废 |
改良种用濒危野牛 |
0.00 | 0.00 | AFEB | 无 | 查看 |
01021000.90 已作废 |
其他改良种用牛 |
0.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
01022100.00 |
改良种用家牛 改良种用家牛 Cattle, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01022900.00 |
非改良种用家牛 非改良种用家牛 Cattle, other than pure-bred breeding |
30% | 6% | 4xAB | P/Q | 查看 |
01023100.10 |
改良种用濒危水牛 改良种用濒危水牛 Endangered buffalo, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 0% | ABEF | P/Q | 查看 |
01023100.90 |
改良种用其他水牛 改良种用其他水牛 Other buffalo, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01023900.10 |
非改良种用濒危水牛 非改良种用濒危水牛 Endangered buffalo, other than pure-bred breeding |
30% | 0% | 4ABEFx | P/Q | 查看 |
01023900.90 |
非改良种用其他水牛 非改良种用其他水牛 Other buffalo, other than pure-bred breeding |
30% | 6% | 4ABx | P/Q | 查看 |
01029000.10 已作废 |
非改良种用野牛 |
30.00 | 5.00 | 4xABFE | 无 | 查看 |
01029000.90 已作废 |
非改良种用其他牛 |
30.00 | 5.00 | 4xAB | 无 | 查看 |
01029010.10 |
改良种用濒危野牛 改良种用濒危野牛 Endangered wild bovine, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 0% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01029010.90 |
其他改良种用牛 其他改良种用牛 Other bovine, pure-bred breeding, other than cattle and buffalo |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01029090.10 |
非改良种用濒危野牛 非改良种用濒危野牛 Endangered wild bovine, non pure-bred breeding |
30% | 0% | 4xABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
01029090.90 |
非改良种用其他牛 非改良种用其他牛 Other bovine, non pure-bred breeding, other than cattle and buffalo |
30% | 6% | 4xAB | P/Q | 查看 |
01031000.10 |
改良种用的鹿豚、姬猪 改良种用的鹿豚、姬猪 Babyrousa,Porcula Salvania,pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01031000.90 |
其他改良种用的猪 其他改良种用的猪 Other live swine, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01039110.10 |
重量在10千克以下的其他野猪 重量在10千克以下的其他野猪改良种用的除外 Other wild swine, weighing less than 10kg(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | 4xABFE | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01039110.90 |
重量在10千克以下的其他猪 重量在10千克以下的其他猪改良种用的除外 Other live swine, weighing less than 10kg(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | 4xAB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01039120.10 |
10≤重量<50千克的其他野猪 10≤重量<50千克的其他野猪改良种用的除外 Other wild swine, weighing 10kg or more, but less than 50kg(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | 4xABFE | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01039120.90 |
10≤重量<50千克的其他猪 10≤重量<50千克的其他猪改良种用的除外 Other live swine, weighing 10kg or more, but less than 50kg(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | 4xAB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01039200.10 |
重量在50千克及以上的其他野猪 重量在50千克及以上的其他野猪改良种用的除外 Other wild live swine, weighing 50kg or more(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | 4xABFE | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01039200.90 |
重量在50千克及以上的其他猪 重量在50千克及以上的其他猪改良种用的除外 Other live swine, weighing 50kg or more(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | 4xAB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01041010.00 |
改良种用的绵羊 改良种用的绵羊 sheep,Pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01041090.00 |
其他绵羊 其他绵羊改良种用的除外 Other sheep(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01042010.00 |
改良种用的山羊 改良种用的山羊 goats,Pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01042090.00 |
非改良种用山羊 非改良种用山羊 Other goats(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01051110.00 |
不超过185克的改良种用鸡 不超过185克的改良种用鸡 Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus,weighing not more than 185g, Pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01051190.00 |
不超过185克的其他鸡 不超过185克的其他鸡改良种用的除外 Other fowls of the species Gallus domesticus,weighing not more than 185g(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01051210.00 |
不超过185克的改良种用火鸡 不超过185克的改良种用火鸡 Turkeys, weighing not more than 185g, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01051290.00 |
不超过185克的其他火鸡 不超过185克的其他火鸡改良种用的除外 Other turkeys, weighing not more than 185g(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01051310.00 |
不超过185克的改良种用鸭 不超过185克的改良种用鸭 Ducks, weighing not more than 185g, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01051390.00 |
不超过185克的其他鸭 不超过185克的其他鸭改良种用的除外 Other ducks, weighing not more than 185g(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01051410.00 |
不超过185克的改良种用鹅 不超过185克的改良种用鹅 Geese, weighing not more than 185g, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01051490.00 |
不超过185克的其他鹅 不超过185克的其他鹅改良种用的除外 Other geese, weighing not more than 185g(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01051510.00 |
不超过185克的改良种用珍珠鸡 不超过185克的改良种用珍珠鸡 Guinea fowls, weighing not more than 185g, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01051590.00 |
不超过185克的其他珍珠鸡 不超过185克的其他珍珠鸡改良种用的除外 Other guinea fowls, weighing not more than 185g(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01051910.00 已作废 |
不超过185克的其他改良种用家禽 |
0.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
01051990.00 已作废 |
不超过185克的其他家禽 |
50.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
01059410.00 |
超过185克改良种用鸡 超过185克改良种用鸡 Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing more than 185g , pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | 4xAB | P/Q | 查看 |
01059490.00 |
超过185克其他鸡 超过185克其他鸡改良种用的除外 Other fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing more than 185g(other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | 4xAB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01059910.00 |
超过185克的其他改良种用家禽 超过185克的其他改良种用家禽 Other live poultry, weighing more than 185g, pure-bred breeding(other than fowls of the species Gallus domesticus) |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01059991.00 |
超过185克的非改良种用鸭 超过185克的非改良种用鸭 Ducks, weighing more than 185g (other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01059992.00 |
超过185克的非改良种用鹅 超过185克的非改良种用鹅 Geese, weighing more than 185g (other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01059993.00 |
超过185克的非改良种用珍珠鸡 超过185克的非改良种用珍珠鸡 Guinea fowls,weighing more than 185g (other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | 4xAB | P/Q | 查看 |
01059994.00 |
超过185克的非改良种用火鸡 超过185克的非改良种用火鸡 Turkeys, weighing more than 185g (other than pure-bred breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01061110.00 |
改良种用灵长目哺乳动物 改良种用灵长目哺乳动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Mammals of the order primates,pure-bred breeding (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
0% | 6% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01061190.00 |
其他灵长目哺乳动物 其他灵长目哺乳动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Other mammals of the order primates (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 6% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01061200.00 已作废 |
鲸、海豚及鼠海豚;海牛及儒艮 |
50.00 | 5.00 | AFEB | 无 | 查看 |
01061211.00 |
改良种用鲸、海豚及鼠海豚(鲸目哺乳动物);改良种用海牛及儒艮(海牛目哺乳动物) 改良种用鲸、海豚及鼠海豚(鲸目哺乳动物);改良种用海牛及儒艮(海牛目哺乳动物)包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Whales, dolphins and porpoises(mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia),pure-bred breeding,including domesticated and artificially propagated |
50% | 6% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01061219.00 |
非改良种用鲸、海豚及鼠海豚(鲸目哺乳动物);非改良种用海牛及儒艮(海牛目哺乳动物) 非改良种用鲸、海豚及鼠海豚(鲸目哺乳动物);非改良种用海牛及儒艮(海牛目哺乳动物)包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Other whales, dolphins and porpoises(mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia), including domesticated and artificially propagated |
50% | 6% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01061221.00 |
改良种用海豹、海狮及海象(鳍足亚目哺乳动物) 改良种用海豹、海狮及海象(鳍足亚目哺乳动物)包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Seals, sea lions and walruses(mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia), pure-bred breeding (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
0% | 6% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01061229.00 |
非改良种用海豹、海狮及海象(鳍足亚目哺乳动物) 非改良种用海豹、海狮及海象(鳍足亚目哺乳动物)包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Other seals, sea lions and walruses(mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia), including domesticated and artificially propagated |
50% | 6% | ABEF | P/Q | 查看 |
01061310.10 |
改良种用濒危骆驼及其他濒危骆驼科动物 改良种用濒危骆驼及其他濒危骆驼科动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Endangered camels and other camelids, pure-bred breeding (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
0% | 0% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
01061310.90 |
其他改良种用骆驼及其他骆驼科动物 其他改良种用骆驼及其他骆驼科动物 Other camels and camelids, pure-bred breeding (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01061390.10 |
其他濒危骆驼及其他濒危骆驼科动物 其他濒危骆驼及其他濒危骆驼科动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Other endangered camels and camelids (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 0% | AFEB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01061390.90 |
其他骆驼及其他骆驼科动物 其他骆驼及其他骆驼科动物 Other endangered camels and camelids (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01061410.10 |
改良种用濒危野兔 改良种用濒危野兔包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Endangered hares, pure-bred breeding (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
0% | 0% | ABEF | P/Q | 查看 |
01061410.90 |
改良种用家兔及其他改良种用野兔 改良种用家兔及其他改良种用野兔 Other rabbits and hares, pure-bred breeding (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01061490.10 |
其他濒危野兔 其他濒危野兔包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Other endangered hares (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 0% | AFEB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01061490.90 |
其他家兔及野兔 其他家兔及野兔 Other rabbits and hares (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01061910.10 |
其他改良种用濒危哺乳动物 其他改良种用濒危哺乳动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Other endangered mammals, pure-bred breeding (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
0% | 0% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
01061910.90 |
其他改良种用哺乳动物 其他改良种用哺乳动物 Other mammals,pure-bred breeding |
0% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01061920.10 已作废 |
其他食用濒危野生哺乳动物 |
50.00 | 0.00 | AFEB | 无 | 查看 |
01061920.90 已作废 |
其他食用非野生的哺乳动物 |
50.00 | 5.00 | AB | 无 | 查看 |
01061990.10 |
其他濒危哺乳动物 其他濒危哺乳动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Other endangered mammals (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 0% | AFEB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01061990.90 |
其他哺乳动物 其他哺乳动物 Other mammals |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01062011.00 |
改良种用鳄鱼苗 改良种用鳄鱼苗包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Crocodiles for cultivation, pure-bred breeding (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
0% | 6% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01062019.00 |
其他改良种用爬行动物 其他改良种用爬行动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Other reptiles, pure-bred breeding (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
0% | 6% | FEAB | P/Q | 查看 |
01062020.10 |
食用蛇 食用蛇包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Snakes, for human consumption (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 6% | AFEB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01062020.20 已作废 |
食用龟鳖 食用龟鳖(包括人工驯养、繁殖的) Turtles, for human consumption (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 5% | ABFE | PRQ | 查看 |
01062020.21 |
食用濒危龟鳖 食用濒危龟鳖包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Endangered turle(including domestication and artificial breeding) |
50% | 0% | ABFE | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01062020.29 |
其他食用龟鳖 其他食用龟鳖包括人工驯养、繁殖的 Other eating a turtle(including domestication and artificial breeding) |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01062020.90 已作废 |
其他食用爬行动物 其他食用爬行动物(包括人工驯养、繁殖的) Other reptiles, for human consumption (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 5% | FEAB | PRQ | 查看 |
01062020.91 |
其他食用濒危爬行动物 其他食用濒危爬行动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 |
50% | 6% | FEAB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01062020.99 |
其他食用爬行动物 其他食用爬行动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 |
50% | 6% | AB | P.R/Q | 查看 |
01062090.00 已作废 |
其他爬行动物 其他爬行动物(包括人工驯养、繁殖的) Other reptiles (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 5% | FEAB | PQ | 查看 |
01062090.10 |
其他濒危爬行动物 其他濒危爬行动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 |
50% | 0% | FEAB | P/Q | 查看 |
01062090.90 |
其他爬行动物 其他爬行动物包括人工驯养、繁殖的 |
50% | 6% | AB | P/Q | 查看 |
01063110.00 |
改良种用猛禽 改良种用猛禽包括人工驯养、繁殖的 birds of prey, Pure-bred breeding (including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
0% | 6% | AFEB | P/Q | 查看 |
01063190.00 |
其他猛禽 其他猛禽包括人工驯养、繁殖的 other birds of prey(including domesticated and artificially propagated) |
50% | 6% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
01063210.00 |
改良种用鹦形目的鸟 改良种用鹦形目的鸟包括人工驯养、繁殖的 |
0% | 6% | ABFE | P/Q | 查看 |
01063210.10 已作废 |
改良种用虎皮鹦鹉 改良种用虎皮鹦鹉 Budgerigar, pure-bred breeding |
0% | 5% | AB | PQ | 查看 |
01063210.20 已作废 |
改良种用鸡尾鹦鹉 改良种用鸡尾鹦鹉 Cockatiel(Nymphicus hollandicus), pure-bred breeding |
0% | 5% | AB | PQ | 查看 |